About French wordsmith & founder Jenny Smith

The Back Story

Jenny Smith, AKA French Wordsmith, landed in France in 2001 on a whim and a prayer; buying an abandoned Quercynois farmhouse as a single woman with little more than girl-guide DIY skills and a very small budget.

Moving permanently in March 2001, she bought her dog, a new French man (an old friend), and very little French at the time - apart from a well-archived A-level!

With building plans and costs scribbled on the back of a fag packet, fortunately the French boyfriend turned into a DIY hero; two renovations later, and three years in a mouldy mobile home, they navigated the rough seas of French administration together (yes, even the French hate the paperwork!).


The highs and lows of life in France

Over my 21 years living and working in France, I have experienced the highs and lows of moving lock, stock and barrel to a new country and have the tear-stained t-shirts as proof of the red-tape tangles.

The challenges overcome and the lessons learnt led me to develop these professional translation and administration services so that others may better navigate the bureaucratic maze and find a life-raft in stormy seas.

I draw on a unique skill-set from a 30-year career spanning a salaried and freelance roles in the education, charity and public sectors. A past teacher and copywriter, I’ve run a successful communication and project management business in France for 15 years; and spent six years as a foster carer - an eye-opening experience which taught me how to negotiate with French professionals and civil servants - and get things done ; without the drama (and even with a sense of humour!)

Find French Wordsmith

French Wordsmith is located at

4 Monterban,

86430 Adriers,

France (Department 86)


 The extraordinary mindset behind the processes and ever-grinding cogs of all things French-red-tape are now a source of fascination, and I get a buzz out of finding ways through for my clients, particularly for some of the more complex cases. France feels like home, and continues to amaze and surprise me with its old-time charm, rich history and culture, yet authentic simplicity (though yes, at times I still yearn for my family, fish and chips, and a pint in a pub!).