Client Reviews

French Wordsmith proudly serves clients from all walks of life; sharing in common their love of France and their satisfaction with the solutions provided by my services.

Reading about their experiences will give you some more insight into the way I work: my professional, yet friendly, approach; and my skill and attention to detail when dealing with challenges. Their testimonies demonstrate the range of problems already solved, and the reassurance that professional help is at hand to steer you safely out of the red-tape maze. 

“Before we found Jenny the scale of the task before us seemed insurmountable. We simply didn't know where to start. Yet, now, less than twelve months later we're in possession of our Carte Vitale's and now our Carte de Sejours.

Faced with a mountain of paperwork, bureaucratic red tape and the language barrier it was Jenny's persistence, rock solid advice, reassurance and comprehensive knowledge of the system which enabled us to succeed. She's quick thinking, attentive, extremely intelligent and has a way of dealing with people which elicits their attention and empathy. Without her we'd have simply folded beneath the sheer stress of it all. To merely recommend her does not do her justice. She is vital and necessary in any foray into the minefield of French bureaucracy.”

Mr & Mrs A J Wignall, Haute Vienne (Department 87)

“I've been tiptoeing through the minefield that is French bureaucracy for a year or so now, occasionally stopping for a while to bury my head in a bucket of sand, unable to continue. Then I found Jenny from French Wordsmith Services. Salvation!

Jenny rapidly sorted out my business and health paperwork and all the hassle and problems were quickly reduced to minor inconveniences, because of her knowledge and ability to deal with the yards of French red tape. Am extremely satisfied with the results and will continue to use her impeccable services. Thank you so much Jenny.”

C. McGovern, Charente (Department 16)

"EDF mismanaged my electricity account over a period of several years, resulting being overcharged a significant amount, yet, despite my best endeavours, I could get absolutely nowhere with them.

Following a recommendation from a friend I engaged Jenny to sort what had become a complex case. Using her wealth of experience, a logical step-by-step approach, great tenacity and, of course, fluent French, Jenny successfully resolved my problems, resulting in a net repayment of more than 3,100 euros from EDF. I cannot recommend her services enough."

Nick Ward, Charente (Department 16)

“Having been served with a writ in August 2021 and told to find a lawyer in 2 weeks, I sought advice from Jenny Wordsmith in her role as interpreter. I have used her services before and was very happy with the outcome.

She sourced a lawyer for us quickly (not easy in August!) and also interpreted for me; and explained the procedures of the writ. I’ve needed several meetings and calls with the lawyer with Jenny interpreting from French to English and from English to French and I cannot praise her enough. She has always been very patient with me and kept me calm during this very stressful time, and nothing is too much trouble for her. I highly recommend her for her translating skills, plus, her other skills as well!!”

G Algar, Vienne (Department 86)

“I was introduced to Jenny Smith by my nurse who was treating me on a daily basis due to a number of complex surgeries and a Staphylococcus infection (MRSA) contracted from the hospital. My initial intention was just for assistance regarding our income tax returns. Since then, Jenny has become, via her intensive and exhaustive research regarding my complicated health situation, and, working alongside my solicitor, a bit of a legal investigating detective.

She is also the same with knowing about the French social services (MDPH), the CAF department which deals payments, charity help groups relating to medical problems and other areas of the French social system. EVERY SINGLE TIME I have contacted Jenny about a problem I faced with any part of the French administrative system, she has researched, researched and researched again until she can make the seemingly impossible task come to fruition. I am now receiving a monthly disability payment; have had an occupational health visit my house and, together with Jenny they have organised for the reconstruction of the ground floor due to my mobility issues. I have now got access to help groups with people that have had elective amputations - which I am going through at the moment.

As I said earlier on in this very long recommendation: EVERY PROBLEM I HAVE ENCOUNTERED, JENNY HAS OVERCOME IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER including liaising with my lawyer and accompanying me to translate at my medical hearing, which resulted in the hospital admitting responsibility! Seriously, without Jenny, absolutely none of the above would have been possible. She has been literally worth her weight in gold!!!”

M.Bennigsen, Vienne (Department 86)

“The service Jenny offers is invaluable. She is professional, efficient, approachable and sympathetic. Yes, she is fluently bilingual, and has extensive experience of the paperwork attached to just about everything in France, yes, she has personal and professional experience with social services here and understands the culture but she offers so much more.

With a delicate and personal matter concerning my special needs children she came to my aid immediately and without question. She listened, really listened, and was careful not only to problem solve but to involve me in the options available for us to make decisions together, never making me feel silly or embarrassed. She undertook any task I did not want to do or was unable to do for myself and the comfort and reassurance she provided was huge. Her fees are fantastic value and now Jenny is stuck with me because I shall return to her time and again. Everyone needs a Jenny sometimes and to potentially have one at your fingertips with such knowledge, experience and understanding is a precious thing. Thanks Jenny.”

J Bartholomew-Oates, Charente (Department 16)

Having lived in France happily for several blissful years prior to 2016, I suddenly realised that all my paper work was in a real mess! I phoned Jenny, who came highly recommended. Jenny became my 'go-to emergency service'; and, over the last 6 years, has become a very supportive friend and confidant. She not only sorted out, but continues to manage my French admin, including annual tax, my Entrepreneur Individuel documents and everything connected to French registration inc. my CdS change of address, and any updates I need to know for my business and personal life. Always approachable with a welcome smile, I just know everything will be explained and sorted.... Thank you so much for your continued support and advice Jenny.” 

Shirley-Ann Hornett, Vienne (Department 86)

“It's well appreciated, by my French friends as well as everyone else, that the French authorities love bureaucracy. Despite being semi-fluent in French and confident to wade through the sea of forms, it is incredibly reassuring to know that you have someone to turn to when you start to feel in danger of sinking. That person is Jenny.

Steadfast, reliable and conscientious – a kind of bureaucracy superhero in our eyes. I cannot recommend Jenny highly enough. In particular Jenny has helped make sure our taxes are declared accurately, correctly and on time. Having tangled with HMRC many times when we lived in the UK (mainly due to being self-employed not dishonest… honest M’Lud…) it’s reassuring to know that this has been done properly. Inevitably, given the ocean of forms there are out there, even Jenny has sometimes not been certain how to deal with some of the most obscure paperwork I’ve directed her way. However, Jenny will tirelessly wade through the available information, ruthlessly researching the requirements. Often if she is learning about what’s needed as the situation is new even for her, she is kind enough not to charge for all the time taken to do so, even though it would be very reasonable for her to do so.”

Steve Way, teacher and writer, Vienne (Department 86)

“The help Jenifer Smith gave us with a recent neighbourhood issue was brilliant. She not only composed an excellent letter for us to send to our Mairie, but also gave us invaluable advice which made us feel well supported with the problems we were experiencing. She worked quickly and professionally, but her friendly and empathetic disposition helped us to feel confident that our concerns were both justified and important. Thank you, Jenny.”

B Jameson, Haute-Vienne (Department 87)

“I really can't praise Jenny highly enough. Her professional, friendly and calm approach puts you at ease straight away. Her help and advice have been invaluable. Thank you, Jenny! “

K Light (Department 86)