Client services for stress-free living in France

For hassle-free bespoke solutions to all your translation and paper-work needs, become a client and put French Wordsmith at the helm; undertaking all, or some, of the tasks for you on a wide range of subjects, including: residency, home, health, business, schooling, driving, vehicles, taxation and building.

(And if French Wordsmith doesn’t know the answer, she will find someone who does).

client review

 “Using her knowledge and ability to deal with the yards of French red tape, Jenny rapidly sorted out my business and health paperwork and all the hassle and problems were quickly reduced to minor inconveniences.
Am extremely satisfied with the results and will continue to use her impeccable services.”

C. McGovern, Charente (Department 16)

Why become a client of French Wordsmith?


tailored to fit

Client services are personalised to your specific needs and circumstances - either taking everything in hand or, if you wish, taking some tasks forward yourself (with clear instructions).

Joined up help

A dedicated professional familiar with your situation and taking care of everything helps to ensure that nothing falls through the gaps; you get answers to questions you didn’t know needed asking, and you’re well supported all the way.

ongoing support

As a client, you have the level and type of support you need on an on-going basis - as and when things crop up - which often saves time, and can avoid errors.

Person standing at the edge of a maze

Who are client services for?

Ideal for English-speaking people who have not yet got to grips with the French language, those faced with a more challenging issue, or for people who are simply juggling too many tasks and need to delegate.

Costs are charged on an hourly rate and you are able to keep track of the work undertaken - and your budget - via the regularly updated client form. 

Read the T&Cs for full details and prices.

What topics does French Wordsmith cover? 

The French Wordsmith has years of experience and a wide knowledge-base on a range of subjects, including:










For complex or legal cases requiring specialist advisors, French Wordsmith can support you to appoint a lawyer, accountant or notary, and accompany you as your interpreter.

Follow these steps to become a client


Read the Client Services Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) for full details including pricing.


Complete, sign and return page 2 of the T&Cs.


Complete and return the client form to give me background information on your circumstances.


Once your forms are received I will be in touch with a plan for taking your work forward.

Not quite what you’re looking for?
I also offer other services that might fit the bill:

  • Virtual and in-person meetings

    Looking for answers to your questions or for a steer without needing to become a client?

    Power-hours and Two-hour Info-Reviews are a fixed-cost service that allows you to stay in complete control of your budget. Bookable as a one-off, or as a series of sessions, you can then either take the work forward yourself, or use my client services.

  • Translation / interpreter support

    Looking for translation support for an important external meeting or appointment?

    French Wordsmith’s presence at any meeting held in French - either virtually or in-person - will make sure you fully understand what is said, and can get your message across clearly and calmly - even in sensitive and challenging situations.

    Read the T&Cs for details of the hourly rates.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, as far as is feasible I can either pass things back to you or give you instructions on how to do something yourself. Just add a note in the client form so I know. I can also do a teaching session on how to use online tools and websites. However, for complex tasks or those needing fluent French, this may not be possible. You might also find my low-cost DIY options a great alternative, or just book a Power-hour or Two-hour Info-review to problem-shoot, or for a steer on how to sort things out yourself.

  • Once I begin working on your file, I keep in regular touch by email. I also write notes and information in your client form to track work; updating it with details of time used, logins for online accounts, and key contacts. It is sent every time I invoice, but you are welcome to see it anytime - just ask. Read the T&Cs for further details.

  • I have over 20 years’ experience living and working in France, and use a large skill-set and knowledge base to cover a wide range of subjects, procedures and regulations. While I am familiar with very many tasks, I can’t know everything - and rules do vary between departments. If your area of work is new, complex or is subject to frequent regulatory changes, I will inform you in advance; either to agree a percentage of research time charged or to signpost you to a specialist advisor. Read the T&Cs for further details.

  • Due to the nature of the work, I can’t give an estimate of the amount of time needed for the completion of task/s as there are too many variables. It really is ‘how long is a piece of string?’. However, I only charge you for the time taken and I aim to keep your costs down whenever possible. It may be possible to agree in writing that we set an upper limit on the costs that can be incurred for a particular project – just add a note to your client file, asking me if I can ‘cap’ cost at x amount. Read the T&Cs for full details. For a rough idea, you can expect from between 2 to 5 hours for a common task; for those people new to France in the settling-in period, you may need me for 5 to 10 hours in the first one to three months; and ongoing clients may only use my services for 2 to 6 hours over the entire year.

  • Yes, I deal with all types of applications, some of which are straightforward, others more complex.. If you have an S1, you may find you are happy to make this easy application yourself, and just use my services for other health-related tasks such as finding a GP, tracking health payments or explaining how the French health-care system works.

  • Yes, I regularly accompany clients and non-clients to external meetings and appointments as their interpreter to make sure everyone understands what is being said, and you can get answers or information. I also have strong advocacy skills to help support you to access the care, information or advice you need even in sensitive or challenging situations.

  • Most visa applications can be done yourself as the website is in English (and fairly clear) and you can email them for answers to your questions (though the answers are sometimes unclear or oversimplified).

    However, some people want help to support them, or extra information regarding requirements or regulations at different stages e.g., during the preparation, on arrival, or at validation, or if applying for residency later on.

    It all depends on how comfortable you are and on your unique situation, in which case, a Power-hour or Two-hour Info-review might prove useful to talk things through; or you may wish to use the full client services at some point.

  • The fixed-rate ‘Power-hour’ is great for those who have done their homework or have a basic command of French, and are able to take work forward themselves with a steer. You might want to also take a look at French Wordsmith DIY Learning Resources for low-cost solutions.

  • The fixed-cost ‘Power-hour’ or ‘Two-hour Info-review’ is a good way to help you find out what needs doing. It’s really useful for those wanting to take work forward themselves. If the task is quite complex or requires a good command of French, you might want to take a look at French Wordsmith DIY Learning Resources for low-cost solutions which give full instructions in English on a range of tasks. Take a look at the blog for lots of free helpful tips too.

  • Yes, I have extensive experience registering a wide range of business activities for sole traders with the Chamber of Artisans, Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Agriculture and URSSAF (who deal with regulated and non-regulated ‘liberale’ professions). However, I rarely simply register a business activity without first helping the client to better understand some of the choices available for them to assess the potential impact of each option. This sometimes means I need to get clarification from an advisor or check the government’s online information services. My experience has shown that the best results are when people make an informed choice as to the correct business statute; understand the accounting rules and regulations, and can estimate costs and consider liabilities in advance. If a more complex business set up needs further consideration, I signpost to a chartered accountant (expert comptable).

  • Yes, of course, if you just need a steer on how to declare your turnover and make your social charge contributions online or better understand taxation (income tax and business premises tax) then you may need only to book a Power-hour. If you need more help, then book a Two-hour Info-Review to go through each of the next steps in more detail. We can also discuss marketing strategy and managing your business, time permitting.

  • I have registered several artists as sole traders over the years, and yes, the registration itself is unlike any other! The unique aspects include the way calculations are made for social charge contributions and the way in which income tax is assessed (perhaps to reflect the idea of ‘original works of art or writing’ 😊). If you would like an overview and are already ‘au fait’ with the way URSSAF works, then perhaps just book a Power-hour for some help. If you are new to France, you will probably find it more reassuring to become a client so I can do the registration for you, and explain the process to help avoid some of the pitfalls.

  • Yes, I do a large number of income tax declarations every year, but for clients only. This is to ensure a high-quality service and avoid errors. Having access to full details of your specific circumstances means I can better help you to identify the fuller range of tax liability issues within the context of the double taxation treaty between France and the UK. I can also seek advice from specialist advisors or the tax office, if necessary, on your behalf. Most returns are relatively simple, but the French tax system itself is not, and mistakes occur when due care is not taken to check any sensitivities and ensure forward planning.

  • Yes, I regularly make applications for clients using this site - but don’t leave it to the last minute as it can easily take 6 months. I do plan to create a resource for those who wish to DIY, so check in case it is now available. I would also add that you need to be sure if – and when - you need to. You can read the rules on the UK government website stated below, however; it doesn’t mention the other instances when you need to make the exchange: if you are resident in France and have committed a road-traffic offence or have incurred points; want to add another category; or lose your license (or it is stolen), then you are required by law to apply for the exchange (just a speeding fine and you are usually not affected, but do check). Have a read here:

  • Yes, almost certainly, but it is likely that I will need information about you and the circumstances to help you make sense of it and for you to plan a way forward if there is a complex problem to solve. I do also occasionally need to find out more using the government’s information and administration website: or I can contact a specialist advisor on your behalf. You can either just book a Power-hour and send the document to for review during our discussion, or become a client and I can review it alongside the written information you provide.

  • I take every reasonable care to ensure your information is safe with encrypted systems, password protection and paid data-protected storage accessible only by me. Your information is confidential and I only collect, use or share your personal data for the purpose of providing the services you have engaged me to perform. For more information on this, and on confidentiality, do read the T & Cs in full.

Prefer to do it yourself?

Browse guides and video tutorials on a range of issues and challenges often faced when living in, or moving to, France

Client review

"EDF mismanaged my electricity account over a period of several years, despite my best endeavours, I could get absolutely nowhere with them. I engaged Jenny to sort what had become a complex case. Using her wealth of experience, a logical step-by-step approach, great tenacity and, of course, fluent French Jenny successfully resolved my problems, resulting in a net repayment of more than 3100 euros from EDF. I cannot recommend her services enough."

Nick Ward, Charente (Department 16)